Thursday, April 6

Happy Pants

Today I have my happy pants on.

I definitely believe that we choose which pair of pants we're going to put on each morning. Grumpy pants? Lazy pants? Hyper pants? Happy pants? My stepdad told me this (well, not *exactly* this) when I was little. When the grumpy pants just slip on so easily, it's hard to remember that it's a choice to be grumpy.

But today is a great day to be alive.

I know people use their blogs to say how great their lives are and how lovely everything is, and no one really writes when they're feeling down and yucky. I'm guilty of that as well. I didn't write for the past few days because I've had a hard time. But today, the outlook is good. The sky is gray, the temperature is cold, but the happy pants are on!

I'm going to London in a few days (hurrah!), so I promise to have truly juicy stories and fun pictures when I return. I even got a new digital camera (thank you, my wonderful s.o.!!!) to tote along with me across the pond.

Random thought: if you're going through a break-up and want a great, cry-along song, listen to James Blunt's "Goodbye, My Lover." Just him, his piano, and lots of heartache. So sad and true. If you're not going through a break-up, congratulations. Seems there's something in the water, at least in Wisconsin. Cray cray.

Until another time...
...scout's lady

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