Sunday, August 13

A Lazy Sunday

Hi, internet land,

The s.o. and I have done nothing this weekend. It's been lovely. Scratch that. It's been GLORIOUS.

On Friday, we went upstairs to meet Evan John Swanson, the newest addition to our friends' family. He was adorable and looks just like his older brother Max. Mom asked if I could tell what his personality will be. I said, "Well, he was asleep the whole time, so the outlook is good!" See Anne's website for pictures and more details.

The s.o. had his stitches removed this week, so now he's able to walk around a little bit. NO MORE CRUTCHES!! YAY! He's handled it all very well, and while I know he's really antsy to get back to the gym and training, he's been patient and able to lay low to let his leg heal properly.

I got back late Thursday night from 2 weeks of traveling, and the bomb scare in Britain had all US airports on high alert. It was a little ridiculous, but the security lines were faster than normal, and other than our delayed flight back to Madison, there were no troubles. I'm just glad to be here in town this week. Work has really picked up, and I was beginning to wonder if I could do it all while still on the road. After this week, though, I'll be traveling for 3 straight weeks (returning on the weekends), so this'll be interesting!

I can't wait to see the Texas family in Austin over Labor Day!! I could get used to this!!

Must return to doing nothing.

Have a great Sunday night!


anne said...

hooray for lazy weekends! Ours was lazy too!!! Thanks for coming up to meet Evan on Fri. Good to see you guys. Thanks also for the fabulous birhtday gift! I love it!!!!!

Jane said...

You forgot to say how you met the incredibly cool INLAWS! It was fun to finally meet you guys!
~the "other" mrs. swanson