Monday, January 16

Who is Scout?

In the spirit of MLK, I thought I'd look a little closer at Scout, the main character in To Kill a Mockingbird. Not my kitty, but Jean Louise "Scout" Finch, played by Mary Badham.

Except that I really don't feel like writing a whole blog about her...I just wanted an excuse to post her picture!!!

She's toooooo cute!

And who could post a blog about Scout without mentioning the greatest movie father of all time, Atticus Finch?!

So, there, I've done it. My mini-shrine to TKAM and Scout and Atticus. Maybe my next cat will be named Atticus.

...Scout's lady

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any and all of those places in London are worth seeing. I also enjoyed St Paul's Cathedral, the changing of the guard, and the Tower. All of the pubs are fun! I loved London and want to go back again some day.

I seem to have lost your email address. I just asked in an email to your mom for it. Or you can write me at

Are you going to London on business or fun? I went there many, many years ago when my parents were living in Wales. My brother and mother and I spent a week there.
Love, Kay C