Sunday, December 4

'Tis the season...

...for super-cool movies. Take Memoirs of a Geisha for instance. It's an unbelievable book, and I can't wait for the movie. Go see it Friday, Dec 9!
Also, on my list of movies-to-see:
  1. Rent
  2. Chronicles of Narnia
  3. Walk the Line
  4. Pride and Prejudice
  5. The Family Stone
...for yummy holiday meals. We stayed in Madison for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful meal.

He's an excellent cook while my cooking leaves a lot to be desired. I helped with the mashed potatoes! And Anne's pumpkin pie was awesome...and gone in a day.
Thanks, Anne, for contributing to our great meal!

...for snowy days. It snowed here all yesterday, blanketing the city in about 3 inches of snow. The s.o. and I walked to the grosto (I'm trying out a new slang term - whaddya think?) while it was snowing - he grumbled the whole way ("Tell me again why we can't drive??"), but I love taking brief jaunts in the snow. Especially at night - it just feels magical to be in the freezing cold weather, plodding through the snow, with few cars on the road. Everything just quiets down. It's just wonderful.

...for insanely amazing football. It would've been great if UCLA had gotten its act together yesterday to put up SOME sort of fight against the Trojans, but I suppose it's in the cards that Reggie will win the Heisman. I'm okay with that (I mean, look at the guy).

As long as Vince wins next year. If only we could rewind time to give Reggie the 2004 Heisman (Matt Leinart = overrated), then Vince would be a shoe-in for the 2005 trophy. Oh well. Coulda, woulda, shoulda. But, in great news, the Horns laid a Texas-sized beatdown on the Buffs. 70-3. I felt a *little*bad for the Buffs, but not really.

Did you know that the Longhorns scored an average of FIFTY points per game this season? FIFTY. The only team that held them below 40 was Ohio State. How's that for a cool stat?! Bring on the Trojans.
Texas vs. Troy - two mythical lands collide in Pasadena, January 4. Be there or be square.

...for cars to break down/die. As I type, the s.o. is in the garage fixing Old Faithful who is old but not so faithful. She has died. Her thermostat died, her intake gasket died, and she was just tired. But, in the effort to save at least $1000, he's agreed to give it the ol' college try.

So, with the help of friends' tools, he's out there banging around and cursing. Cross your fingers that he can lure the ol' girl back for a few more months anyway.

...for celebs to have babies. Ben and Jen welcomed their little girl last week - congrats! She can join the legions of other celebrity children hounded by the press: Apple, Rocco, Ryder, Sean Preston, Sam and Lola, and Ava and Deacon.

...for warm cups of coffee with friends. Anne is going to work at Caribou Coffee which opens up in about a week in Madison. I'm so excited - free drinks will reign again! Maybe I'll start calling it "the 'bou." What do you think?

...for trips home for the holidays. The s.o. and I are going our separate ways for the holidays (sniff), but we're on the same flight to Detroit on Dec 22nd. I'm excited about it because I usually fly alone - it'll be nice to sit next to him for the hour-long hop to DTW. It's the little things, really.

We have our stockings hung by the "chimney" with care...and that's about all the decorating we could muster this season. We debated about getting a tree, but decided against it since we'll both be home for Christmas Day. I'll be in Raleigh, he'll be in Columbia, Scout will be in Madison, and there we'll all be.

It'll be great to see the fam in NC - it's been too long. Sopheathene and I will be reunited at last.


sopheathene said...

Hah! DoGooderLawyer also bitches about the "forced marches" I insist upon--even in the freezing cold--to get us both some exercise and fresh air.

I was also feeling a bit embarrassed for Colorado on Saturday; by the end of the game, I was kind of hoping they would score at least once. But now we have yet one more thing to lord over Bryan (who is always soooooo dismissive of Texas sports) at Breckenridge next year!

"Two mythical lands"? Nice, dude. Nice.

Love the slang, although I still think I'm too white to pull any of it off. You have more "street cred." Hee.

Apple Blythe Allison Martin is the cutest child ever. EVER. Evah. (I guess that's what Gwyn and Chris will do for you.)

I vote for Scout not to stay in Madison for Christmas, because I want to see him.

And finally, hell yeah we will be reunited! We will drink Starbucks and buy identical clothing and watch Friends episodes and laugh at our mothers! Together! Yay!

anne said...

Fabulous post!

Count me in for the flicks...looking forward to them as well. (I saw Love Actaully on tv that movie...always makes me cry.)

The snow is exciting, we will have to go sledding, and then sip on some hot chocolate.

Once again...fabulous post!