Saturday, October 29

1 piece bad news, 3 pieces good news = recipe for today's post

1 piece bad news, 3 pieces good news: the Astros got swept by a total of 5 runs, the Horns are #1 in the BCS, Mom and David have returned from their trip to Turkey and Greece, and I've graduated from pool virgin to pool guppy. Not necessarily in order of importance, obviously.

We'll start with the first:

1. Mom and David were in Istanbul, Athens, and the Greek islands for the past two weeks. I just talked to her as she was waiting to fly home to Raleigh from JFK. My favorite Turkish anecdote so far is that she learned many ways to say "no" while walking through the Turkish markets. Two of her favorite lines were: "I want you to be my client" and "May I hassel you?" American barkers have a thing or two to learn from the Turkish, it seems!

2. The Horns are #1! Perhaps the Trojans are better, but I'm certainly not going to complain. We'll take it when we can get it. Vince = 2005 Heisman winner??

3. Poor Astros. Does anyone know if a 5-run margin breaks a record for the lowest overall win margin in a World Series? Getting swept 0-4 certainly wasn't indicative of how each team played. And how about that Game 3 in Houston? 14 innings. Crazy. At least we have A pennant under our belts, yes?

4. On Thursday evening, I went to a pool hall with some of my Epic colleagues in Portland, OR. We had had a long week on-site, and we needed to blow off some steam. I had never really played pool before (certainly not by any *real* rules), but the guys were kind enough to teach me some tricks. Yes, I used the bridge, but we named it "the machuki" (Greek? word for thing-a-ma-jig), so I wasn't too ashamed of using it. And, as the only girl in a group of guys, I even managed to win a game or two! Not too shabby! :) I'm certainly no pool shark, but I think I'm definitely a pool guppy.

Quick side-note: how do you think pets think of their owner?

Dogs: master, god, goddess, omnipotent being of the universe.

Cats: lady, man, hand that feeds me

Signing off for now...Scout's lady.


anne said...

Hillarious post...and fun to read.
Glad to have you grounded in Madison for awhile again. We've missed you!

sopheathene said...

I commend you for being able to write about the 'Stros. After they lost on Wednesday, I turned off the TV and haven't been able to think about them since. It's just too painful. (I felt the same way about the Rockets' horribly embarrassing meltdown in the playoffs last year.)

And, forever and always, the funniest label given to an owner by a pet will be your estimation of Scout's thinking of you: "that lady." I still giggle every time I think about it! Mwah!