Tuesday, July 18

A Slight Change of Plans

The best laid-plans of mice and men often go awry. And today, they have.

During a routine training session this morning, my s.o. tore his Achilles tendon straight through. He'll have surgery to repair it on Monday, but until then, he's to keep his foot elevated and still. And for an active, stubborn, independent person, that's a tall order!

In the larger scheme of things, what this means is that he won't play football this fall, if ever again. He's sorely disappointed, as he was so looking forward to playing college ball again. He's not sure what the future holds, but for right now, we're just gonna take it nice and easy.

1 comment:

anne said...

OH NO!!! That sucks!! Poor K!!! I hope he is feeling ok...he must be in a lot of pain. I would probably be crying my eyes out like a big baby. What a bummer...now plans have changed but it will all work out!